Friday, October 30, 2009

What is islam?

Islam, a religion found in many middle eastern countries, is also practiced in the United States. Its population is 1.2 billion followers which makes it one of the largest in the world. Their holy book that they worship is called the Koran which is also the sacred word of God. Also, he wanted people to believe in the religion he made.
The founder of this religion is a man named Mohammed. He was born then at the age of 6 he became an orphan. He eventually married a rich widowed lady and they developed a good life and had 6 kids together.
Customs and way they dress
One of the customs of the Islam faith is that they use their left hand to clean themselves and their right hand for just about everything else. Their cloths must hang loose and cover their whole body. The women aren't aloud to show their hair so they always have to have it covered.
One of the holidays is Ashura which is the day of fasting. Another religious holiday is Ramadan which is another holiday at which they fast but it's for a longer time not just 1 day like Ashura. Id Al-Fitr is the end of fasting. Id Al-Hijra is the 1st day of the month of Mahrra. Also, Id Al-Adha is a holiday at which they remember the prophets.

1 comment:

  1. Remember that Islam needs to be capitalized. Don't give away everything in your intro sentence. Make sure you proof read your sentences some of them don't make sense. Explain all the words that you don't know. Try to help other people around the world understand what religion you are studying and why. Keep up the good work.
